$29.89 USD

Every month

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Please note a refund request will not be accepted as this subscription is non-refundable. 

Special One-Time Offer On Our Best Selling Wellness Journal! Save 15% and get free shipping. $29.00

  • Monthly Calendar for planning your fast, grid, and dot paper
  • Includes a fasting guide, recipe guide, and liver flush guide
  • Journal is expandable, allowing us to update the content even after purchase.

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Premium Accountability Membership

This is a unique offer just for you.

You will gain access to the Premium Accountability Membership and all the benefits listed below.

What you'll get:

  • The Wellness Walk Guide: A seven-step guide to help break down your goals into digestible milestones
  • Access to our Premium Accountability Membership
  • 3 Live coaching calls with AHA Coaches, weekly
  • Access to archived training sessions
  • Monthly mini-course
  • Special discounts and offers

This is the perfect complement to any of the courses we teach. Each course will have its topic embedded in the Premium Accountability Membership so that you can ask questions and get clarification.